Once a week your child will participate in a Yoga class. Yoga movements help babies chart a more direct path of growth and development. Babies who have the opportunity to explore movement have greater confidence and ability when it comes time to sit, crawl, and walk. Babies who move with freedom as well as intentional guidance learn early about relating to gravity and relating to people.

Music 'n Movement
Music enhances fine motor skills and our toddlers love to dance and move to music. The repetition of songs encourages the use of words and memorization. This interest enables our babies to perceive changes in pitch and rhythm. In addition to music being an integral part of the day, a music teacher sings with the children once each week. Additionally, there is a designated daily activity of music and movement.
Not only does Music and movement help develop our children’s social skills but it is also a social activity that helps our kids feel a part of a group.

Art is important for children especially during their early development. Research shows that art activities develop brain capacity in early childhood. Art engages children’s senses in open-ended play and supports the development of cognitive, social-emotional and multisensory skills. As children progress into elementary school and beyond, art continues to provide opportunities for brain development, mastery, self-esteem and creativity.

Outdoor Play
Chai Daycare has a fully padded playground located in the front of the facility. The playground is used throughout the year by all of our children. This allows them to explore their environment, develop muscle skills and coordination, and gain self- confidence. Our playground includes a child safe slide and jungle gym, bike riding toys, and a tunnel tube. All children are supervised by our staff during playground time to ensure safety and productivity.
Baking with children provides many beneficial learning experiences. It helps our children learn different vocabulary words. Also it encourages their participation in physical tasks such as holding a spoon, mixing, beating, shaking, pouring, and rolling. The step by step nature of following a recipe helps our children practice patience, follow directions, build self-confidence, and enhance their creativity.

We have numerous activities which are hands on and hands in working with all five senses. Many of these activities naturally encourage our kids to explore and process while they play, create and investigate. Playing with different kinds of textures and objects while being able to use their sensation of taste helps them look at the world differently. Such play also contributes to the development of fine motor and gross motor skills.
Fridays are super special at Chai Daycare. We celebrate Shabbat, singing songs, shaping challah, saying prayers over candles and reciting the Kiddush blessing over the wine (grape juice). We enjoy reading various Shabbat stories each week.